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"Demon Possession Handbook" may seem abrasive in places. Some may even claim it is homophobic. However, you have my assurance that it was written in the spirit of Christian love. My only purpose is to warn you of the dangers and share the solution.
In fact, the solution to the problem of demon possession which I outline in Part 3 is not original with me. I just adapted what was written thousands of years ago by the divinely-inspired authors of the Holy Bible.
a). There are two forces of supernatural power in the universe: God and Satan.
b). Satan is very pestiferous. However, of the two, God is by far the more powerful.
c). At the end of all time, Satan will be put in his place -- to burn forever in the Lake of Fire.
d). God won't have to do it. Jesus and the Holy Spirit won't have to do it. God will merely deputize an angel, and the angel will do it. This is proof of the comparative power of God and Satan.
I read the back of the Book, and we do win!
To God be the glory.